Saturday, June 19, 2010

Todays Verse

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart

I am sincerely trying to live a good Christian life and whenever I have gotten an inpure thought, I have prayed to Jesus to dismiss that from my mind. Life is very short and I want to be seen as a very good man with Honest intentions, Good Morals & Values that puts others 1st and lives to be a servant of the Lord.

Today I went and put a Father's Day card on car window at my Father-in-laws. He is still my father-in-law and I do love & care for him very much. I included a letter of some thoughts I wanted to share with him. I really respect and love him & his wife regardless of what anyone else may think. I just pray that I didn't cause them ANY more stress by doing that as that is the very last thing I would want. They have enough on thier plates at the moment.

It is a gorgeous day outside and I have been out with Kali enjoying the day.

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